Jordan Ranft

I Started Working Out This Week

The woman on the treadmill next to me
watches conspiracy videos on her phone.

I pretend she is a version of my mother
who died in childbirth.

She laughs
a warm apple laugh.

You never know
who has a woodchipper

where a heart should be,
or what kind of day

someone else is having.
It’s just the two of us

(her laughing, me
watching her laugh).

Sometimes, on the treadmill,
I pretend I’m marching toward Hell.

Author Reading

About the Author

Jordan Ranft is a Best of the Net and Pushcart-nominated writer. His chapbook, Said The Worms (Wrong Publishing), was published in 2023. He has individual pieces published in Bayou, Beaver, Bodega, Carve, Cleaver, Eclectica, Rust + Moth, and other outlets. He lives in Northern California where he works as a therapist.