Gale Acuff​

I threw up in Sunday School today – I

mean I hurled my Tang and Froot Loops
right there on our portable classroom floor
and its new linoleum, I couldn’t hold
the Devil back, you might say – I had
a demon, but he’s free now, and our Sun
-day School teacher cleaned it while I squatted
on the two-by-four plywood porch built by
my father and gulped some fresh air
as my classmates snickered That was gross!
over and over and over, so by the time
we were almost ready for God again,
there wasn’t much time left – I was woozy
anyway, like I was ascending un
-to Heaven. There my puke was born again.

About the Author

Gale Acuff has published in a dozen countries and has authored three books of poetry. He has taught tertiary English courses in the United States, China, and Palestine.