What’s a mean girl to do? Cordelia
set the tone. Fashion, shoes, mocking
the uncool. Cordettes, we’re called, till
she’s the turncoat, hanging – eww –
with losers. My brief turn as the queen
bee. Graduation totally ruined. A bite
on the neck: undead now. Still have
awesome hair. Still score the sparkliest
gems. Still love unicorns. I caught the eye
of the coolest pale guy. On Spike’s arm
for a while. His gaze (pout) on the Slayer.
My poor blondie bear, muted, neutered
by a chip, out of commission. So, yeah,
I’ve got a gang now. Back to queening.
Listen, Minionators, I’ve got a plan. Wait,
I’ve got a better plan: the last laugh.