LC Gutierrez πŸ”ˆ

Read in landscape mode!

The Dwarf Steps Out of a Painting to Chat

Nordic Wiccan conveniencestore bullies

I’ll take my distancein horizontal heights

your princess and your peafondled

in well-hung dreams: the dog

and the debutanteyour idea of charity.

I’ll take my painsin shopping malls

air flight terminals. The Spanish painter holds me

in his varnished eyewhere taming mastiffs quake

and queens curtsyin my wake.

He would never cusp mein a question mark:

you, though, want me beardedthistled, mythic.

That’s not my signified staturemy fair horizon.

I’ll take my measurekey – climax – perspective.

Author Reading

About the Author

LC Gutierrez is a product of many places in the Southern USA and the Caribbean. An erstwhile academic, he now writes, teaches and plays trombone in Madrid, Spain. His work is published or forthcoming in Notre Dame Review, Autofocus, Hobart, Sugar House Review, and other wonderful journals. He is a poetry reader for West Trade Review who fuels on sweet, dark chocolate.