Editor's Note 6/24
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New York (1832)
Welcome to our twenty-fourth and June issue! Summer is here, and we’re kicking it off right with our trademark lively mix of poetry, prose poetry, and visual art.
Also in this issue: a creative nonfiction flash piece and a new essay in our regular critique column on the intersection of music history and modern haiku.
And look for new chapbooks in our ever-growing chapbook series in the near future. We have several in the works!
With that, we have poetry by:
David M. Alper
Devin Campbell
William Doreski
Karissa Ho
Petra Kuppers
Josiah Nelson
Cara Pleym
Kevin Riel
Christian Ward
Marceline White
Prose poetry by:
Creative nonfiction flash by:
Critical analysis by:
And visual art by:
Jack Bordnick
Robb Kunz
Nuala McEvoy
Whiskey Radish
Robin Young
Elzbieta Zdunek
All the best and happy reading,
Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
Please use our Submittable account for submissions:

The Ogre’s Grimoire
Want our issues in print? Looking for a gift for a poetry fan? Our latest anthology collects our first three years of issues:
Red Ogre Review is fiscally sponsored as a nonprofit and run by unpaid volunteers. Donations help us run this site and fund our chapbook series. To gift a donation, please use our Flipcause page: