Guilherme Bergamini
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Artist’s Statement
Laranjal do Jari was created by Federal Law No. 7,639 of December 17, 1978 as a result of a project by North American billionaire Daniel Ludwig to build an agro-industrial hub in the middle of the Amazon forest.
During the military dictatorship, Ludwig obtained possession of more than 1.6 million hectares of native forest, which was deforested to plant Gmelina arborea, Caribbean pine and eucalyptus - all non-native trees - with the aim of producing and exporting cellulose.
A collection of worker stilt houses called Beiradão grew in a disorderly manner, eventually becoming one of the largest stilt favelas in Brasil. Most residents lived in degrading conditions, without any type of public infrastructure, security, or basic sanitation.
The project failed in the 1980s, leaving most of its losses to the Brasilian public treasury.
About the Artist
For more than two decades, Brasilian photographer and artist Guilherme Bergamini has developed projects via photography and the various narrative possibilities that art offers. His works open a dialogue between memory and socio-political criticism. He believes in photography as the aesthetic potential and transforming agent of society. Awarded in national and international competitions, Guilherme has participated in exhibitions in 54 countries. Find him online at and on Instagram @guilhermebergamini.