Editor's Note 2/24

Pick the best Cherries free from rotten, and pick the stalk from them; put them into an earthen Pan. Bruise them, by griping and straining them in your hands, and let them stand all night; on the next day strain them out (through a Napkin; which if it be a course and thin one, let the juyce run through a Hippocras or gelly bag, upon a pound of fine pure Sugar in powder, to every Gallon of juyce) and to every gallon put a pound of Sugar, and put it into a vessel. Be sure your vessel be full, or your wine will be spoiled; you must let it stand a month before you bottle it; and in every bottle you must put a lump (a piece as big as a Nutmeg) of Sugar. The vessel must not be stopt until it hath done working.
The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened
London (1669)

Welcome to our twenty-second and February issue! We’re starting the year strong with our trademark mix of poetry, prose poetry, and visual art, along with a critical essay and a music track. Music tracks are new for us, and we’re planning on including more in future issues.

And we’re delighted to welcome Dr. Jones Irwin to the masthead as our resident columnist and critic. Expect to see more of his always insightful work over the course of the year!

With that, we present poetry by:

Abigail Kirby Conklin
Zoe Davis
Damon Hubbs
Andrew Hutto
Rowan MacDonald
S. G. Mallett
Nathanael O’Reilly
Alex Starr
Connor Watkins-Xu
Alina Zollfrank

Prose poetry by:

Howie Good
Eli V. Rahm
Noel Sloboda

Critical analysis by:

Jones Irwin

Music by:

Benjamin Fairfield

And visual art by:

Matthew Fertel
Sylvia Santiago
Claudia Santos
Cynthia Yachtman

All the best and happy reading,

Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief


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The Ogre’s Grimoire

Want our issues in print? Looking for a gift for a poetry fan? Our latest anthology collects our first three years of issues:


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