& the girls with their heads filled with boys & the boys with their heads filled with girls in far districts, i light upon your Saturday candy as transformer linesexplode
& we remake the origin of the world. in far districts, i light upon your Saturday candy. you overfeed me & hide my heart inside a tree, sour wrenches of spongy earthseafoam green
& bark in gliding step – i’ll need hours of bath time to hard suck cold sweats & stomach pains. it has me gasp, your lingonberrybattu, brisé what would Courbet say
of our century of panic and pleasure – it was so, it was so. it has me gasp pale colored fish, the Jupiter red spot of yourgenesis
Damon Hubbs: gardener / casual birder / lapsed tennis player / author of the chapbooks Coin Doors & Empires (Alien Buddha Press) and The Day Sharks Walk on Land (Alien Buddha Press) / recent work appears or is forthcoming in Dreich, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Cutbow Quarterly, Broken Antler, Crab Apple Literary, Eco Punk Lit, and elswhere. Find him on Twitter @damon_hubbs.