Samuel Spring
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A Wonderful Thing
A Wonderful Thing
Wait with me here and
watch the sunset.
Lemonade fills the eastern
sky in the beginning of it.
So bright a beacon, calling
the lost back home.
the sun lies down under
the hazy fringed blanket
of the mountains and
begins to speak more softly
to the belly of the clouds.
The whole of it all
is washed in soft pink chalk.
the sky goes next
and the color of all things
drain away – pulled down
into the distant ocean,
and I feel the warmth of your
body pressed so closely to mine.
In the dark slow spill of a life lived,
I mean something,
and isn’t that such a wonderful
thing to feel?
About the Artist
Sam Spring is best known for his songwriting in the musical duo Tennis Club, particularly for the song Morning, which has exceeded 5,000,000 plays on Spotify. His poetry and short fiction appears in The Wisconsin Review, The Centifictionist, BarBar, and Cosmic Double, among others.