make a face make believe make ready make sure make a move make money make bank make the mostmake off with make out make love (I’m madly pixelating for you) make war then make peace make your claim make your playmake a fine something or othermake hay make haste make way make the unexpected (pixelating like never before) make your mark make the grade and the decision make a date make the scene make waves make heads make tails (my pixels want, no, need) make history make noise make a messmake bail (there’s no stopping this pixelation) make the border by sundownmake wine make water make great waste again and again make your bed make your lies your assumptionsbuild a fence and a wall make a bet make your mother (my pixels are all achy and sad) make the call and make your own rules find your own makeyour make makes the makemake art make the dark spark make a deal make the devil make him an offer he can’t refuse make rare make common (make pixels) make a note a prediction a mistake make merry make dinnermake itmake likemake a clean breakmake do make good make nice make upmake up your mind make your day make a sound make time (pixelating)make light
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