Lightning snowballs seedlings
that bloom
in the Milky Way,
whose territory, your cortex,
awakens around
Your cortex wakes only in Spring
despite seedlings
floating around
most of the year. To bloom,
first a cortex
must wake; it’s the only way,
and this is our way,
and so it will be this Spring.
Keep your cortex
tidy for your seedlings.
What floats around blooms
Birds are flocking around
us. Their appetite gets in the way
of the blooming galaxy.
Kill your birds before Spring.
Make life safe for seedlings
in your cortex.
Your cortex
collects seedlings strewn around
town. Know your seedlings.
Cull the stillborn, throw them away,
especially in Spring.
You’ll be rewarded when you bloom.
Your bloom
is you. Your cortex
is you. Spring is
you. “What comes around,”
as they say. You are the way
you select your seedlings.
What you bloom and what you spread around
to other cortices is you. You are the way
you live your Spring. You are your seedlings.