Cynthia Dorfman

She Was Greatly Admired by Cynthia Dorfman

She Was Greatly Admired

I met Mr. Fellows, a mustachioed fellow, World War I veteran in cream linen suit with scent of cigar, on the front porch after school.

“Is Louise home?” he asked, and I said, “Yes.”

“Are others calling?”

I said, “No.”

We opened the door, though, greeted by a bridge game of my grandmother’s friends. They tittered behind hands raised with fanned cards, knocking the afternoon Manhattans ever so slightly.

“Oh, Arthur,” my grandmother said.

Forty years separated, but never divorced. She had many admirers.

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About the Author

Cynthia Dorfman was an editor, writer and publications manager before being delegated the duties of Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach at the U. S. Department of Education. Her creative work has appeared in the Ekphrastic Review Challenge, Passager’s Pandemic Diaries, and The Library Love Letter. She writes in Wisconsin in Summer and in Maryland in Winter.