Editor's Note 10/22
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marmottait Scarbo cette nuit à mon oreille,
tu auras pour linceul une toile d'araignée,
et j'ensevelirai l'araignée avec toi!
wheezed Scarbo in my ear that night,
you'll have a spiderweb for your shroud,
and I'll bury the spider with you!
Welcome to our thirteenth and October issue! We think this issue strikes an appealing balance between verse, prose poetry, and visual art – something we aim for with every issue.
We’re also delighted to bring our readers work by a few familiar names and reader favorites, along with several promising newer poets and artists. I think this is easily one of our strongest issues yet.
In this issue, we have verse:
Lawrence Bridges
Evgeniya Dineva
Carol Hamilton
Jones Irwin
Keith Kennedy
Aly Pierce
Paul Tanner
Prose poetry:
Mikki Aronoff
Maggie Bowyer
Sarah Freligh
Amy Marques
Brad Rose
Elinora Westfall
Found poetry:
And visual art:
Guilherme Bergamini
Rachel Coyne
Shelbey Leco
Donald Patten
Leslie D. Soule
Nam Tran
All the best and happy reading,
Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
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