Editor's Note 8/22
racing the current they mirrored into.
Welcome to our eleventh and August issue! Given that it’s August, fresh takes on classic Summer reading and end of Summer themes - among others - seem timely and fitting.
And with this issue, we’re an issue away from our first year anniversary as a journal and as an independent literary press - and that means we’re working on our first yearly print anthology. Keep an eye on our Twitter account, @RedOgreReview, for details!
In this installment, we present poetry by:
Cameron Brooks π
Aidan Coleman π
Mark DeCarteret
D. Dina Friedman π
Catherine Friesen
Srishti Jain π
Emma Johnson-Rivard
Jeremy T. Karn
Sandra Kolankiewicz π
Christine Kwon π
Jacob Minasian π
Erin Mizrahi
Tim Moder
Sam Moe
Esther Sadoff
Ron Tobey π
Von Wise
Prose explorations by:
Jack Bedell π
Janelle Cordero π
Tom Velho π
Moira Walsh π
And visual art and hybrid work by:
J. W. Goossen πΌοΈ
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan πΌοΈ
Steve Zimmerman πΌοΈ
All the best and happy reading,
Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
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If you’re unable to use Submittable, email us at info@ogre.red. We’d prefer that you use our Submittable account, though, so your submission won’t get lost in the mix.
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Red Ogre Review is run by volunteers. Our yearly budget is modest. Gifts and donations make a difference!
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Buy a Book
Our issues are available as yearly anthologies printed in trade paperback format: