Editor's Note 5/22

La cucina è una bricconcella;
spesso e volentieri fa disperare.
Cooking is a little bastard;
it often tries to inflict despair.
Science in the Kitchen, Pellegrino Artusi

Welcome to our eighth and May issue! And thank you to our contributors who tried this issue’s writing challenge or submitted pieces based on the “recipe” theme. Where applicable, themed pieces are noted under the title of each.

And with this issue, we have now published well over 100 talented and accomplished authors, which we view as a milestone for a journal we started around six months ago!

In this issue, we have poetry by:

Carl Boon
Tim J. Brennan
Ori Fienberg
Alec Gourley
Paweł Grajnert
Hiva Hosseini
Anna Idelevich
Jones Irwin
Dave Luker
Ben Macnair
MJ McGinn
Jacob K. A. Mensah
Olga Montenegro
Ren Pike
Marc Isaac Potter
Samantha Terrell
Victoria Twomey

Prose poetry by:

Maggie Bowyer
Steve Gerson
James B. Nicola

And experimental writing by:

Greg Koberger
Richard Kostelanetz

All the best and happy reading,

Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief


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The Ogre’s Grimoire

Want our issues in print? Looking for a gift for a poetry fan? Our latest anthology collects our first three years of issues:


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