Editor's Note 4/22

The Home Depot salesman says, "Remember, you won't
have to live with your choice: you'll have to live inside it."
Alexandra Teague

Welcome to our seventh and April issue! Thank you to each of our contributors who tried our ekphrastic writing challenge; we received an overwhelming number of submissions for it. Where applicable, ekphrastic poems, and a link to the source image for each, are noted under the poem’s title.

With that, we have poetry by:

Devon Balwit
Lawrence Bridges
Rohan Buettel
Mark Burgh
Tia Cowger
TS S. Fulk
Alyssa Hannam
Sandra Hosking
R. J. Lambert
Kendra P. Leonard
Kerry Muir
Nic Sattavara
Samantha Steiner
Paul Tanner

And visual art by:

Daniel Beaudoin
Vicente Cayuela
Guliz Mutlu

All the best and happy reading,

Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief


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