Virginia Laurie

70 Degrees Fahrenheit in Neon Bethlehem

It’s December 24
& I wonder where
the unbought trees
go, that handful
crisping in the lot
& cracking jokes.

There are 800,000
things to worry about
this year, which is already
last year & the one ahead.

Where do the ducks go in winter?
I don’t think they make it very far,
a farm upstate. I don’t think
we’re making it much farther.

I’m not saying there’s no point
in trying, just that
no one’s leaving this cave
with their lungs intact.

No one’s got
an egg big enough
to steal this fever.

Author Reading

About the Author

Virginia Laurie studied English at Washington & Lee University. She has published in Apricity Magazine, South Florida Poetry Journal, Phantom Kangaroo, Cathexis Northwest Press, and more. Find her online at