The yellow bells are ringing. It takes a moment for them to remember what it was for.
The yellow bells are ringing. Grandpa, suddenly awake, his pipe still in his mouth unlit and shaking as he hurries outside to look.
The yellow bells are ringing! cries out Tove, clutching two little ones by the hands, calling for the third, while boots and mittens and hats seem to fly around like autumn leaves.
The yellow bells are ringing. The cashier in Ica closes the till in the middle of the purchase and heads for the door along with customers who aren’t complaining.
The yellow bells have stopped. Half the population has lost one mitten, someone has egg in their moustache, they are looking out at the sky. It’s been twelve days, and the sun has decided to visit.
Elga Sīle is a Latvian poet, prose writer, journalist and blogger. She is interested in exploring the beauty of nature and the complexities of human inner landscapes. Having studied for a creative writing Master’s at Lancaster University, she experiments with different genres of writing.