Editor's Note 12/21

Go ahead: say what you're thinking.
Louise Glück

Welcome to our third issue!

We weren’t planning on posting another issue this quickly, but we’ve received so many interesting and compelling submissions, it seems fitting to post another issue before the holiday season goes into in full swing.

In this installment, we present poetry by Lorelei Bacht, Amy Beveridge, Steve Gerson, Morgan MacVaugh, Ben Nardolilli, Frederick Pollack, Christian Ward, Maura Way, and Allison Whittenberg.

We present prose and prose poetry by William Doreski, Keith Gaboury, and Paul Lewellan.

All the best and happy reading,

Matthew Bullen
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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Red Ogre Review is run by volunteers. Our yearly budget is modest. Gifts and donations make a difference!

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Buy a Book

Our issues are available in several anthology collections:

2024 - The Ogre’s Grimoire: Three Years of Red Ogre Review

Buy of a copy of The Ogre's Grimoire: Three Years of Red Ogre Review!

2024 - Why Did the Ogre Cross the Road?

Buy of a copy of Why Did the Ogre Cross the Road?

2023 - The Ogre Sees All

Buy of a copy of The Ogre Sees All!

2022 - At the Ogre’s Table

Buy of a copy of At the Ogre's Table!