

Reading Period

We accept submissions year-round. Simultaneous submissions are fine.


Up to ten poems or prose poems, or up to 1,000 words of a book review or a critical essay.

We also accept visual art submissions.


Please format writing submissions as Microsoft Word .docx files. Poetry, single-spaced. Prose, 1.5-line spaced.

Please format visual art submissions as .jpg or .png files, preferably high resolution and at least 1,500px wide.


Include a short author or artist biography with your submission, around three to five sentences, with anything you’d like to highlight about your background, your submission, your influences, and similar things.


We do not provide payment for successful submissions.

We ask for the right to use submissions on this site and in any derivative material (social media posts, print magazines, print books, e-books, etc.) that we may produce. Otherwise, your work is your work and you retain your rights to it unchanged. Please refer to our Terms of Use page for full details.

Editorial Details

In general, we do not make or request significant edits to submissions. Submissions usually need to be in their final version.

We will fix obvious typos, autocorrect errors, basic grammar mistakes, etc., and make minor formatting changes for consistency with our publication style guide.

With a few exceptions, we usually post only one piece per author or artist.

Accepted contributors are asked to wait at least six months or longer before submitting again. It’s fine to submit before then, but we’ll just hold onto the submission until after the waiting period passes.

Where to Submit


Submit to Red Ogre Review!


If you’re unable to use Submittable, it’s fine to email us at We’d prefer that you use our Submittable account, though, so your submission won’t get lost in the mix.

Response Time

We will respond as quickly as we can, although depending on the volume of submissions and our plans for any given issue, it may take us several weeks to several months or longer. If you haven’t heard back from us for the issue you submitted to, it means that your submission is still under consideration.

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