
Staff Bios

Matthew Bullen, Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Owner of Liquid Raven Media and a graduate of Lancaster University from the creative writing Master’s course, Matt founded Red Ogre Review.

Matt has poetry published with Arsenic Lobster, Broken Antler, BS/WS, Cape Magazine, FERAL, glassworks, Harpy Hybrid Review, MEMEZINE, Quibble Lit, Rejection Letters, The Daily Drunk (SMOL Fair Zine), The Friday Poem, tiny frights, UK National Flash Fiction Day 2024, and Underwood.

His first microcollection, Who Needs a Door When You Have a Fence, was recently published by Rinky Dink Press.

He has also published creative nonfiction with National Geographic, critique with the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, and fine art photography with Exist Otherwise, Punk Monk Magazine, and Setu Magazine. A sample photography portfolio is available on ArtPal.

Laura J. Braverman, Editor

Laura’s first collection of poetry, Salt Water, was published by Cosmographia Books. She earned her Master’s in creative writing from Lancaster University. Her poems have appeared in Plume, Levure Litteraire, Sky Island Journal, and New Plains Review, among other journals, and in the anthology Awake in the World, II. She lives in Lebanon with her family.

Jon Haynes, Editor

Jon is a writer and one half of the multi-award winning theatre company Ridiculusmus.

Stephanie Hirtenstein, Editor

Stephanie is a graduate of Lancaster University from the creative writing Master’s course. Often found staring out the window. Edits, writes, translates.

Jones Irwin, Columnist

Jones Irwin teaches philosophy and education in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. He writes all kinds of things, sometimes poetry and fiction. He has four children who continue to get taller and wiser and a longstanding fascination with punk music and culture.

Julie Lancaster, Editor

A graduate at Lancaster University having completed the creative writing Master’s degree, Julie’s poems have been published in Spring to Life and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Julie has a neurological movement disorder and is intrigued by the art of writing. She has three grown-up children and lives with her mum who enjoys eating Rich Tea biscuits.

Catherine Potter, Editor

Catherine graduated from Lancaster University with a creative writing Master’s and is undertaking a Ph.D. at Aberdeen University. She publishes a series of short stories and essays on Medium @catherinepotter_46235.

Catherine lives in Surrey with her husband, four sons, and three cream cats. She is is old enough to no longer be ashamed to admit her hobbies are reading and writing and is particularly proud she’s never won anything in sports.

Kate Potter, Editor

Kate is a creative writing Master’s graduate of Lancaster University. She lives in Hereford with her family and has published We Are Motherhood.

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